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Solana: Anchor test devnet fail

Solana Anchor Devnet Test Failed: Troubleshooting and Solutions

As a developer working with Solana’s Anchor testnet, you’ve probably encountered issues while retrieving your deployed contract on devnet. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the issue and provide troubleshooting steps and solutions to help you resolve it.

The Issue: Retrieving Key Pair in Anchor Test Devnet

When you use Anchor to deploy a contract to devnet, the “recover” function is used to retrieve the key pair of the deployed contract. However, the retrieved key pair has been compromised, preventing you from deploying your contract again. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Verify the recovery key

    : Make sure you have access to the recovery key and that it has not expired or been corrupted.

  • Check Devnet Environment: Make sure your Devnet environment is up to date with the latest Solana SDK, Anchor CLI, and other dependencies.
  • Retry: Try deploying the contract again using the retrieved key pair.

Solution: Retrieve the key pair

If you have tried to resolve the issue but are still having issues, here are some additional steps:

  • Check for corrupted data: Check that no corrupted data is stored on devnet by checking the “solana” table.
  • Use an alternate recovery method: Try using the “anchor test” command with different recovery options to see if that fixes the issue.
  • Check for network issues

    : Make sure your network connection is stable and there are no issues with the devnet node.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure you have the latest Solana SDK, Anchor CLI, and other dependencies installed on your system.
  • Consider using an alternate recovery method to see if that resolves the issue.
  • If you are still having issues after following these steps, consider reaching out to the Solana community or seeking help from a trusted mentor.

By following these troubleshooting steps and solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully recover your contract deployed to devnet.


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